Detailed Notes on 789

取り出しボタン, 負担, 駄, 荷重, 負荷, 荷, ロード, 重荷, 積み荷, 積荷, 積載量, 載荷

For Win10 btw, the final advice is to utilize a script for setup. I have acquired some in my signature that you are free to seize. Does not work on Win7.



we had been just waiting around for somebody to go ahead and take direct 我々は主導してくれる人物を待っているところだった

「auto」乗り物、車両、手段などの意味を持つ英単語である。 「automobile」とは・「car」の意味

例文帳に追加 除雪車 - EDR日英対訳辞書 例文 a vehicle to which one particular transfers right after owning been riding in another car発音を聞く

・She managed to finish her jobs with a lightweight load.(彼女は軽い負担で仕事を終えることができた。) strain

親の旅行中小さな子供の面倒を見るのは相当な負担だ. It truly is quite a burden for me to take care of the small youngsters even though their moms and dads Tải 789Club are touring.

・The significant stress of responsibility weighed on his shoulders.(彼の肩には重い責任の負担がのしかかっていた。) load


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